2012年9月17日 星期一


3x hopper
2x Cardcar D
2x Maxx C
3x Centipede
1x Dragonfly
1x hornet
1x Sangan
1x Tomato
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Gigmantis
1x DAD
1x Gorz
1x BLS
2x Trag
2x Veiler

1x Storm
1x Foolish
2x Duality
1x Reborn
1x Allure
3x MST

1x TT
2x Force
2x Call
2x Warning
1x Judgment

2x Ryko
1x Gemini Emp
1x Dyna
2x Thunder King
1x Hole2x Tornado
2x Prison
1x Chain Dis
1x Bottomless
2x Soul Drain


Monsters: 28
3x Judgment Dragon
2x Lumina
1x Ehren
1x Garioth
1x Jain
1x Wolf
2x Ryko
2x Lyla

2x Trooper
3x Gardna
1x honest
1x Zephyros
1x Socerer
1x Gorz
2x Tragoedia
1x BLS
2x Veiler
1x Synchron

Spells: 11
3x Recharge
2x Duality
1x Heavy
1x Rota
1x Charge
1x Allure
1x Avarice
1x Reborn

Traps: 1
1x Treacherous

Side: 1x Ryko
3x Cyber Dragon
1x Hole
2x MST
2x Force
3x Decree
3x Soul Drain


3x Shine Ball
2x Maxx C
1x Sangan
3x Venus
1x Honest
3x Ryko
2x Kristya
3x Hyperion
2x Earth
2x Orange Light

1x Storm
2x Duality
1x Reborn
2x Lance
3x MST

3x D-prison
2x Force
2x Bottomless
2x Call
1x Judgment

Side:1x Crow
1x Maxx C
2x Cyber Dragon
1x Gorz
2x Trag
1x hole
1x Compulsory
1x Dust tornado
2x Mind Crush
3x Soul Drain

2012年9月12日 星期三

Wind-Up 2012 Sept

Monsters: 18
3x Wind-up Rabbit
3x Wind-up Magician
3x Wind-up Shark
3x Wind-up Rat
2x Maxx C
2x Snowman Eater
2x Effect Veiler
Spells: 11
3x Wind-up Factory
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mind Control
1x Pot of Avarice

Traps: 12
2x Dimensional
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Compulsory
2x Torrential Tribute
2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Zenmainty
1x Zenmaine
1x Levathan
1x Leviair
1x Acid
1x Temtempo
1x Giga Briliant
1x Utopia
2x Butterfly
1x Roach
1x Zenmister
1x Shock master
1x Tiras
1x Adris

Vancouver Regional Sept.8.2012

Top 8 Players:

Charlie Q - Bubble Beat Hero (Hero Lives w/ shit load of backrow hate)
Harjun - Random Fusion Gate Hero ( just a sack )
Alvin - Wind-Up main Hunter
Jonathan - Regular Wind-up
Brad - Sackmurai
Wai - Evos (Pro)
Dominic - Rabbit .....(Yeah.....)
Craig - Rabbit.........( w/ skill drain side )

2012年5月20日 星期日

Locals (Connection2) 05/19 & (Metro) 05/20

Connection 2

Hikarusaii: 3-1
Ken: 4-0

1st Place: Ken (3 Packs)
2nd Place: James (3 Packs)
3rd Place: Hikarusaii (2 Packs) 


Hikarusaii: 5-0

1st Place: Hikarusaii ($18 Credit)
2nd Place: Hobo ($18 Credit)

Rest doesn't matter

2012年5月18日 星期五

Locals (Surrey) 05/16 & (Connection 1) 05/17

Hikarusaii: 5-0
CQiao: 4-1
Ken: 4-1

1st Place: Hikarusaii (8 Packs)
2nd Place: CQiao (4 Packs)
3rd Place: Ken (2 Packs)

Connection 1:
Hikarusaii: 4-1
CQiao: 3-2
Chun: 5-0
Daniel: 3-2

1st Place: Chun (12 Packs)
2nd Place: Edward (6 Packs)
3rd Place: Hikarusaii (3 Packs)
4th Place: - - - - - ( 3 Packs)